Thursday, August 28, 2008

Triple A Blogging

To use a sports analogy--something I'm known to often do--I think of myself as a triple-A blogger. I'm not yet ready for the major leagues of blogging. I'm not a homerun hitter like Katie M, the Albert Pujols of blogging. I'm just learning the ropes.

Confessional, I've had blog anxiety. Technology isn't something in which I have much interest. My cell phone is one that could have been a prop on Saved By the Bell. I still don't have my parents phone number as one of my contacts. And, I don't know how to switch my phone to the vibrate setting. So in this fast-paced world of downloading and uploading, I sometimes feel a bit lost in the shuffle. However, like that triple-A ball player, I'm in it to win it. Someday, I'm going to be drafted to the big leagues--when I figure out how to change my blog background and the picture on my profile. One day, when Jon no longer needs to talk me through downloading pics of our camera, I will make my major league dream come true!


Anonymous said...

So I recently found out you had a blog.... I find it very sweet and it gives me a dose of Heather who I miss! Can't wait for Jane and Miryah to have a play date. Sometime soon!
Hi to Jon and Jane as well!

Amy said...

Hey Heather,

I love the new family pictures! Jane is adorable. We look forward to meeting her....someday... :)

As for the "Triple A" blogging--I think we're playing on the same team. We're once-a-monthers too.
Have a great Labor Day!

Heather S. said...

Hi Heather!! I found your blog through Katie's! Jane is a beautiful baby!! I'm so glad you are enjoying her!! Life with a newborn can be crazy!! Take care!!

DeVries, Dianne and/or Gary said...

Beautiful pictures of the family, cameras don't lie! Jane is so precious and looking so cute. We are so glad she is doing well and we always have you in our prayers. Wish we could see you again Thanksgiving but it will be nice you get to go to Iowa too. Give her a kiss for us and we hope to see you soon. Gary & Dianne

Stan and Judy said...

We love the photos of all of you. We are thankful that all is well. We love you and look forward to seeing you soon!
grandpa and grandma