Much has happened since our last post. Jane continues to grow and thrive. We took our first airplane trip in February to visit Grandma and Grandpa in Iowa and to meet baby Joci for the first time. My sister in law, Amy and Joci drove to Iowa to meet us, and we had so much fun. The cousins were immediate buddies. It was awesome family time together!
In March Amy, baby Joci and Grandma Feekes visited our place in St. Louis--more fun family time. Lizzie was also very entertained by Amy's dogs Moose and Bailey.
April came, and our church (City Church) had its inaugural service on Easter Sunday. It was great! Also that month Jane got her first two teeth--what a big girl!
At the beginning of May Jane and I made another trip--this time a road trip to Springfield to spend a week with my parents. We enjoyed our time with Pop-Pop and Grandma. Then two of my brothers came with their families for Mother's Day weekend. All of the ladies in the family enjoyed a special Mother's Day Tea. Jane is always up for a good tea party. Warm weather is now here, and we are loving the outdoors. Jane and I love to talk walks in the park especially with our friends in the neighborhood. We're looking forward to a fun summer. I'll keep you posted!